

[SwiftUI] Implement Mapbox Map View with SwiftUI – Create Map View

I will introduce the UIViewRepresentable and UIViewControllerRepresentable that enables you to implement this problem. Then also introduce how to implement a simple Mapbox Map View into your SwiftUI project.

[SwiftUI] Implement Mapbox Map View with SwiftUI – Preparation

I would like to introduce the steps as follows to use Maps SDK for iOS which can be utilized with Xcode.  Also, mentions the Access Tokens and Scopes that you should know before using Mapbox.

[GCP Cloud Functions Tutorial] First Python(関数の作成、デプロイ、テスト、関数の削除)

GCP のサーバーレスコンピューティングサービスである、 Cloud Functions について、ローカル環境で開発した Python プログラムを動作させるための "チュートリアル" 、 最初の関数: Python について解説していきます。

[Python][Selenium]How to launch WebDriver with Headless Chrome

If you are going to use Selenium against a dynamic web site such as using Javascript, you should use Headless Chrome. However, it seems that there are no helpful instruction so far. So I'm going to explain how to launch WebDriver with Headless Chrome.